Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the bench

While we were in New York
over Christmas,
we visited
Ground Zero.

It was so different 
than on my first trip
ten years ago.

At that time,
the ruins were still 

the footprints
are "Reflecting Absence."
The absence of so many lives
Fathers, brothers, sons.
Sisters, mothers, daughters.

Each life a gaping 
hole in the lives of those
who loved them...

And love them still.

I wanted my children
to see this place

they will grow up in a very different
than the one I once knew.

While waiting on our appointed time,
we visited the 9-11 Museum.
Carolyn saw me perusing a book
and surprised me with it
for Christmas.

I read it in one day.

Of course,
books lead to 
so I downloaded 


Since moving to Sag Harbor ~
day after day,
 as often as possible,
I walk at Long Beach.

And each time I walk the mile
end to end,
I read the inscriptions
on the benches.

For some reason,
Steve Cherry's bench
(dated 9/11)
has always 
held my attention.

I once googled him 
and found that he was a father
of four boys
and a devoted husband.

I had often thought of how unfair it had been 
that he
went work one day
and never came home.

Yet - there he was!
In my book!
I finally found out 
what had happened to 
this person I had thought about
so many times.

His story has been written down
for posterity.

And I prayed:
May God still be with his family.
May All the stories of 9/11
remain in our hearts
and souls.
May every story be told
and every life remembered.
May something like this
never ever
happen again.
May we be forever thankful
for the soldiers
who protect our rights 
and our freedoms.
 May God Bless 


  1. Nice. Introspection. Thank you for sharing

  2. Oh, so beautiful, Erin. If we all only took the time to learn of the struggles of the people around us, we wouldn't feel so alone. We would be inspired by their lives and be heartened.
